

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

My Top 10 Books of 2022

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I did it!

I set a reading challenge goal of 150 books on Goodreads at the beginning of 2022. 

At 10:45ish pm on December 31st, I finished reading my 186th book for the year. Normally, I would've been at our church's annual New Year's Eve game night with the rest of my family, but I was under the weather so I got to spend a peaceful (and kind of lonely) evening at home with the dog. 

In no particular order, here are my top ten favorite books that I read this year!

by Ray Comfort

This book helped me initiate some really good conversations with my kids. Because of it, they have a much more clear picture of what true salvation really is. 

by Debbie Tung

I loved this book! (see what I did there? ;) It was a quick and easy read and so relatable. 

by Israel Wayne

If you read just one parenting book in your lifetime, this is THE one! It's biblical, practical, and even has a section on parenting kids with special needs.

by Albert Marrin

I've heard the story of how Janusz Korczak took care of many Jewish orphans before and during the Holocaust and how he chose to go to the gas chambers with them, but had never read a book about him until now. This was a heartwarming and heartbreaking read. 

by Dean Inserra

The scariest verse in the Bible is when Jesus says in Matthew 7:23: "And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'" There are so many people who call themselves Christians, but are not truly following Christ with all of their heart, soul, and mind (Mathew 22:36). This book was very helpful in explaining how to reach people with false assurance.

by Susan Meissner

I love anything by Susan Meissner and this book didn't disappoint! She keeps the reader on the edge of the seat through the whole book and they never end exactly how I thought they would. The characters seem so real that I feel like I'm right there with them through their struggles and joys. 

by Danika Cooley

This book has so many good tips for helping your kids truly learn to love the Bible and to know what's in it! Highly recommend for all parents who want their children to love God.

by D. J. Palmer

This was a heartwrenching read and one that hit a little too close to home. Parents of kids with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome are all too frequently accused of making their kids sick or faking their condition for attention because the disorder is so misunderstood by medical professionals and the general public.

by Cynthia Kim

This book was so relatable and had me going, "Wait, that's not just me?!?" on just about every page. Very informative and good to read!

by Sarah Mackenzie

I deeply regret not starting read-alouds with my kids when they were younger, but even at their ages now (14, 12, 10, and 8), they all still love listening to books. I usually read to them while they're eating supper (I eat later with Hubby when he gets home) and it makes for a very peaceful mealtime!

Did you set a reading goal for 2022? What were some of your favorite books that you've read over the last year?

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