

Monday, November 30, 2020

New Book Release! Yet Will I Praise Him: Living and Parenting with a Chronic Illness

I can't believe I'm finally able to say this, but....

I'm a published author!!!!

My book, Yet Will I Praise Him: Living and Parenting with a Chronic Illness, was officially released on November 17th!

Several people have asked me what made me decide to write a book. It goes back to when I was six years old and I wrote my first three-page story about a shipwreck in a pink, spiral-bound notebook. After that, I continued to write and dreamed of seeing my name on an actual book someday. I never thought my first published book would be a non-fiction one about raising kids while living with a chronic illness. But God had His own plan and it's what I was led to write about so that's what I did! I do have plans for more books including a 30-day devotional companion book to Yet Will I Praise Him and some novels, but those will have to wait until this school year is over since I'm devoting a lot of time to distance learning with my kids right now.

You can find Yet Will I Praise Him at the following places online:

You can also see the trailer for my book on YouTube!

New book release! Yet Will I Praise Him: Living and Parenting with a chronic illness:

Do you have my book yet? I'd love if you would take a few minutes and leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads to let me know what you thought of it!

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