

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I Have a Secret...

I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been neglecting my blog over the last year or so. There have been a few posts here and there, but nothing consistent like I used to do.

I had a good reason though, and I'm finally ready to tell you all about it!

Let's back this up to last November in 2018. I participated in NaNoWriMo which stands for National Novel Writing Month. It's a writing challenge during which writers from all over the world try to write a novel in 30 days. The goal is to make it to 50,000 words by November 30th.

Much to my shock and surprise, I actually did it.

I'm what is called a NaNoRebel which means that I cheated and didn't actually write a novel. Instead I wrote a non-fiction book about being a chronically ill mom from a faith-based perspective. I had wanted to read a book on that subject, but couldn't find any available. Naturally, the logical reaction was to write one myself.

After writing, I spent so much time editing my book over and over again that I started to hate it, but all that hard work paid off.

Last week, I signed a publishing contract for my book.

I don't have a date for publishing yet, but I'll keep you all updated as progress is made on the book.

In addition to writing a book, I've also made some changes to Sunshine and Spoons. I closed my three Facebook groups and opened up just one new one instead so I can focus my energy better. The new group is called Chronically Ill Moms Together in Christ, and, if you're a mom who is living with a chronic illness and would like support from other believers, I would love to see you there! 


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