

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Giving Back with Davy's Birthday Blessings

Davy is turning 3 in less than a week.  THREE YEARS OLD.  I'm not sure how that happened, and I may be in denial that my baby is turning THREE.  I should probably start thinking about his birthday party...

Giving Back with Davy's Birthday Blessings

Davy's first year was intense and filled with hospitalizations, doctors' appointments, infections, etc.  During that time and in the years since, our family was blessed in so many ways by family, friends, and complete strangers.  We've received meals during and after Davy's hospitalizations, money to help cover gas and other expenses from his many doctor appointments, visits, phone calls, messages of encouragement, help with household chores, etc.

Gracie's Gowns
Davy along with two of his older siblings and I were diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome in the summer of 2016, which immediately quadrupled our number of doctor appointments, the help hasn't slowed down.  My health has been declining over the last several years, making the blessings that much more appreciated.

I believe in paying it forward when someone blesses you.  So, in honor of Davy's birthday, I'll be donating 10% of the amount of each order placed during the month of March at the Sunshine and Spoons Shop to Gracie's Gowns.  

Gracie's Gowns founder Jessica Kidd visits one of "her kids" in the hospital
Gracie's Gowns founder Jessica Kidd visits one of "her kids" in the hospital

Gracie's Gowns is a non-profit organization that provides custom made, personalized hospital gowns to chronically ill and special needs children at no cost to the family. It is very special to me because not only was it founded and run by a very sweet friend of mine, but Davy received a gown when he was an infant.

Giving Back with Davy's Birthday Blessings

You can also support Gracie's Gowns by sponsoring a gown for a child. 
We're giving back this month with Davy's Birthday Blessings! @SunshineNSpoons @graciesgowns #payitforward 

Let's make this month a memorable one for Gracie's Gowns!  Head over to the Sunshine and Spoons Shop and let's rack up those donations!

 Davy's Tube Feeding Story
 Special Needs and Chronic Illness Medical Binder Printable

1 comment:

  1. Aww, it is so hard to watch our babies grow up! But aren't we glad they get to even with challenges. I had never heard of Gracie's Gowns. What a neat organization! Thanks for sharing!


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