

Monday, February 20, 2017

Cherishing the Firsts AND Lasts of Childhood

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As parents, we mark down and celebrate our kids' firsts.  Their first smile, first word, first step, etc.  Some people keep detailed memory books or calendars, others post the latest milestone on Facebook.

But have you ever stopped and thought about your child's lasts?  They usually slip by unnoticed until all of a sudden, you realize that things have changed.

Here are some of my kids' lasts that I wish I known about. Some were welcomed, some were sad:

If I'd known that it would be the last time you cuddled up on my chest with your tiny butt up in the air, I wouldn't have been in such a hurry to lay you down in your cradle so I could do housework.

If I'd known that it would be the last time I'd change your diaper before you finally potty-trained, I'd have felt a sad twinge for that one-on-one time that we wouldn't have anymore.

If I'd known it would be the last time I'd have to stock up on formula, I'd have jumped for joy because that stuff is EXPENSIVE!

If I'd known it would be the last time I'd breastfeed you, I'd have savored every second instead of wishing it would be over soon.

If I'd known it would be the last time you'd fall asleep on my lap, I'd have stayed in that chair all night with you.

If I'd known it would be the last time you would need a tube feeding, I would've thrown you a party because I didn't know if that day would ever come.

If I'd known it would be the last time you'd wake up in the middle of the night to eat, I'd have tried to stay awake a little bit longer to enjoy that quiet time together without your siblings.

Cherishing the firsts AND lasts of childhood:


If I'd known it would be the last time you would eat a jar of baby food before you refused to eat anything but table food, I wouldn't have stocked up so much!

If I'd known it would be the last time I would have to pump, I would have bought a sledge hammer and smashed the breast pump because I hated every second of pumping!

If I'd known it would be the last time I fed you a bottle, I'd have enjoyed that sheer bliss look babies get when they're sucking on a bottle or pacifier instead of thinking of all the dirty laundry that needed to be washed.

It's bittersweet when kids move onto the next step of their lives. I'm thankful that I get to watch them grow up and to help them along the way, but, sometimes, I wish they could stay small a little while longer.

Cherishing the firsts AND lasts of childhood:


Take a moment to enjoy your little one and the stage they're in today.  Cherish those snuggles and sloppy kisses and read an extra story tonight.  Before you know it, that chubby little face will grow up into an adult or *gasp* a teenager.

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