

Saturday, July 2, 2016

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First - Kemps Ice Cream

  It was getting close to suppertime, and the kids were all starving after a full day of playing outside.  As I headed into the kitchen to start a pot of water for the pasta, I remembered something my mom had told me many times.

"Start with dessert so you don't get too full to have any."

Side note: my mom is the best.

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First

So instead of pulling the family size box of elbow noodles out of the pantry, I reached for the ice cream cones.  I called all four kids into the kitchen and watched their eyes grow huge as I scooped Kemps ice cream into sugar cones and handed them out.  Katie chose Mint Cow Tracks, Nano and Anna went with Caramel Fudge Cow Tracks, and Davy got to try the Caramel Cow Tracks.  

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First    Disclosure: sponsored

Then I sent the kids back outside because while I am cool enough to let the kids have ice cream before supper, I'm not crazy enough to want that mess in my house.

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First    Disclosure: sponsored
Nano's expression as he attacks his ice cream cone cracks me up!
As they plopped themselves down on our front walk and dug in, I asked if they noticed anything about the ice cream.

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First    Disclosure: sponsored
Katie really loved the Mint Cow Tracks flavor

"Mom, there's cows made out of chocolate in this ice cream!" Nano yelled with excitement.  What can I say...the kid loves his chocolateHe may have gotten that from me.

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First    Disclosure: sponsored
Nano showing off his Caramel Fudge Cow Tracks
Upon hearing that, the other kids started looking for cows in their ice cream too and were thrilled to find them.

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First    Disclosure: sponsored

For those of you who are wondering if our "dessert first" night ruined their appetites for a healthy supper, it didn't.  At all.  I ran out of food and had to make more.

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First    Disclosure: sponsored

I didn't just serve my kids dessert first for supper though.  I created a fun memory for them.  I still remember waking up one morning when I was a kid to hear that the freezer had died during the night.  My siblings and I got to clean up a bucket of Kemps Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream for breakfast that day. 

That Time I Let My Kids Have Dessert First    Disclosure: sponsored
Kemps has over 40 amazing ice cream flavors such as Caramel Cow Tracks, Caramel Fudge Cow Tracks, Mint Cow Tracks, Toasted Almond Fudge, Pecan Turtle Trail, Double Caramel Cookie Crunch, and Cherry Fudge Chunk just to name a few.

What's your favorite flavor of Kemps ice cream? #ItsTheCows #summertime #IceCream #ad


Head over to Kemps and check out their many ice cream flavors.  Then come back here and leave a comment with your favorite for a chance to win one of five $5 coupons for Kemps ice cream.  I'll randomly select 5 winners from the comments on July 21st.  Don't forget to leave an email address where I can contact you if you win!

This post is linked up at: 1. The SITS Girls 2. Mom's Small Victories 3. Mom's The Word 4. Mummy Do It 5. Don't Call Me Supermom   6. The Modest Mom Blog 7. What Joy Is Mine 8. Donna Reidland  9. Smart Mom, Smart Ideas 10. Marilyn's Treats 11. The Joy Chaser 12. Mrs AOK A Work in Progress 13. Deb CB 14. Cornerstone Confessions 15. Sweet Little Ones Blog


  1. The ones you mentioned all sound good, plus the caramel one I saw on the site. Think I'd prefer the caramel fudge tracks, though!

  2. Wow! How can you choose!?! When i was drinking coffee I would have certainly chosen the Caribou Coffee Jave Chunk. Can't wait for Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream when it is in season! Right now I would probably pick Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough of Pecan Turtle Trail.

  3. I'd probably pick the bon bon mint ice cream.

  4. Yum! How lucky are they to have such a nice treat before dinner!

  5. It's a tossup between mint cow tracks, and Java chunk. All four of my kids love the mint cow tracks. Grandpa would be proud.

  6. It's a tossup between mint cow tracks, and Java chunk. All four of my kids love the mint cow tracks. Grandpa would be proud.

  7. I would love to try cow tracks mint.

  8. This is too cute! I just love all the pictures of how happy your children are eating the icecream! :)

  9. Looks delicious, we don't have this brand in Canada. Every once in a while we have dessert before dinner and it feels like being a kid all over again!

  10. Such a great memory to make with your kids - I know that my kids remember the time I was gone for the weekend and my husband let them have dessert for breakfast . LOL they are grown adults now and still talk about it. I found you today at #MondayMusings

  11. Mmm, I can't say no to ice cream :)

  12. My favorite is goo goo clusters!
    dez3b at yahoo dot com

  13. I am most interested in trying the chocolate peanut butter cup variety. They have so many that I would love to try, but this one stands out immediately.

  14. Oh I really love their Old Fashioned Butter Pecan, but have to say their new Classic Chocolate Cupcake Ice Cream sounds and looks amazing! Chocolate cupcakes and ice cream....what could be better? :) YUM!
    landfjacobson @ charter .net

  15. Pearson’s Salted Nut Roll Ice Cream is the first one I would try!

  16. One of my best memories from my childhood is when my parents let us eat banana splits for dinner, I'm sure this will be a favorite memory for your kiddos. :)
    Thanks for sharing with us at #MMBH!

  17. Pearson's Mint Patties looks so good.

  18. I like the idea of cinnamon on the Web site. When is Kemps coming south so I can have it for breakfast?!

  19. My favorite is Moose Tracks!

  20. I love dessert before dinner! Makes me hungrier somehow ;)

  21. Cherry Fudge Chunk ...I think we are having sundaes for supper tonight.

  22. Cherry Fudge Chunk ...I think we are having sundaes for supper tonight.

  23. I love the caribou Java chunk ice cream. I am a huge fan of this one. I also like the chocolate and caramel one. Yum, yum!
    Sharalyn Anderson


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