

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Parenting Hacks: No Bathtub, No Problem!

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Parenting Hacks: No Bathtub, No Problem!2 years ago, we moved into our new home, and I LOVE it.  Unlike the small apartment we were living in before, this house has plenty of room for our whole family.  There's just one thing wrong with it...

The bathroom does not have a bathtub.  Just a handicapped accessible shower stall.

If I didn't have young kids, it wouldn't be problem.  But since the majority of my children are too little to bathe/shower themselves, it's pretty inconvenient.

For a while, I used a baby bathtub from Ikea which was a pain in the neck because it meant having to bathe each child individually instead of just throwing a couple in the tub.  Plus, it wasn't very big so my two oldest kids were really scrunched up in it.

One day, I had a lightbulb moment...why not buy a large storage tub (key word: tub!) and use that instead?

So I picked up this 116 quart storage tub the next time I was out shopping:

116 Quart Sterilite Storage Container from Amazon

When I got home, I stuck it in the shower stall and it fit perfectly!  (If you have a traditional shower stall, you might have to get a different size tub.)  I filled it about halfway with warm soapy water and threw both of my boys in the tub together.  They loved having someone to play with in the tub and it was big enough for both of them.

Yes, I took the lid off first...

To empty it, I just tipped it on its side and let the water run down the shower drain.

Parenting Hacks: No Bathtub, No Problem!
Davy hanging out in the "bathtub" sans water

To borrow a phrase from my 3 year old, it was easy squeezy, lemon peasy.  Bonus: when the kids are all old enough to take showers by themselves, I can use the storage tub for its original purpose.

"Toddlers need baths. So what do you do when your home doesn't have a bathtub? @SunshineNSpoons #parentinghack"

Comment with your parenting hacks!  They might be featured in another post!

This post is linked up at: 1. The SITS Girls 2. Cornerstone Confessions 3. Rich Faith Rising 4. Live Randomly Simple 5. Sweet Little Ones Blog 6. A Wise Woman Builds Her Home 7. Marilyn's Treats 8. You're Sew Trendy 9. Holly McBerty 10. Grammie Time  11. Katherine's Corner 12. You Are a Daisy  13. Cord of 6 14. A Bountiful Love 15. Create With Joy 16. Don't Call Me Supermom 


  1. What a good idea. My sister's house doesn't have a tub and I will be sharing this with her!

  2. Smart idea! Or as your 3 year old says - easy Peasy - Lemon Squeazy! I love it - your neighbor at #Titus2Tuesday

  3. Great idea :) We do this kid of thing all the time! Another idea that I've found to work equally as well is a laundry basket (the kind with holes in it)...lets the water flow around a bit more - my little really enjoys it :) I always just felt safer when he was little if he was in there then in the whole huge tub alone!

    1. I used the laundry basket thing when we lived at our old place (and had a bathtub, lol). It makes a lot safer for the little ones!

  4. A laundry tub is also a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Yup! Brilliant!!
    -Ayelet from Strength In Words

  6. Very creative. The handicap shower stall, a good thing to have in the future, trust me on this one. We use to bathe our girls in the kitchen sink for the longest time. It was easier on my back.

    1. We thought about redoing the bathroom to have a tub instead, but decided not to because the handicap shower stall might come in handy. With my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome slowly limiting my mobility, I'll definitely need it sooner than later!

  7. Very creative! I can remember bathing my boys in the kitchen sink, the lake, and even stripping them down & taking them with me in the shower when they were real little. I found leaning over the tub to be back breaking.

  8. What a funny idea. We used our baby bathtub the other day for a foot soak. My little ones are too big for it now so we just repurposed it. Thanks for sharing with us at #SittingAmongFriends on Wednesdays. We look forward to seeing you again next week!

    1. I plan to repurpose our "bathtub" back to its original purpose when the kids outgrow it!

  9. Haha, that's great! Necessity is mother of invention, right? Thanks for linking up at the Family Joy Linky Party!

    1. Exactly! Gotta do what you gotta do! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. We too don't have a tub! And, did very much the same thing when our youngest was smaller!

    1. It's such a simple solution, but it really works well!


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