

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How Strong Are You?

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Have you ever looked at someone else's life and thought to yourself, "There's no way I could handle that."

How Strong Are You?

Chances are, you are strong enough to handle it if you had to.

I never thought I was strong enough to handle a baby with severe eating issues, a long list of medical problems, and a G Tube.  But I was.  Some days, I think back to Davy's first year of life, and I can't believe I did it.  I mean, I couldn't handle being in the room when Nano had to get stitches in his head at 10 months old.  I even got squeamish about changing Katie's earrings.  And yet, there I was, pushing a G Tube through a hole in my baby's stomach and barely flinching. (Okay, I was completely freaking out on the inside, but I got through it!)

I belong to a group on Facebook for parents of children with feeding disorders and feeding tubes.  I see what some of these parents deal with on a daily basis, and I am in awe of them.  How do they manage with everything they have to handle?  I find myself thinking that I could never do what they do.  I'm sure those parents at one time thought the same thing but when faced with a tough situation, they're able to step up to the plate and take care of their child, no matter how hard it is.

When you're a parent, you do whatever it takes.  You set aside your own needs to be sure that your child is taken care of.  You deal with the issues that life throws at you and come out stronger than you ever knew you were.

You can do this.  You can make it through the days when your child or children seem like they do nothing but cry, fight with each other, or get into everything.  You can handle a new medical diagnosis for your precious little one.  You can advocate for your child even when it seems like you're swimming upstream.  You can take care of the colicky baby who cries for hours everyday.  You can deal with non-stop tantrums from a toddler.  You can nurse and comfort your child
when they're sick or hurt.

Tweet: Are you strong enough to parent a child with special needs? You may be surprised at your answer. @sunshineNspoons

You're a mom (or dad!) and you're stronger than you realize.

This post is linked up at:
1. Katherine's Corner 2. Grammie Time 2 3. The Deliberate Mom   4. Cord of 6 5. You Are a Daisy 6. Coffee Shop Conversations 7. Create With Joy  8. Susan B Mead 9. Mom's Small Victories 10. The Zippy Zebra 11. Smart Moms Smart Ideas 12. The Modest Mom Blog 13. Donna Reidland 14. What Joy is Mine  15. Marilyn's Treats 16. Mrs. A Ok


  1. In answer to your opening question: yes. I have thought that. Many times. And isn't it amazing, as you describe so well here, how after we've gotten through something, we can't believe we did it? I always come back to this truth: in Jesus, we can do what we can't. So glad to meet a fellow lover of Jesus and chocolate via your comment on my blog today. Looking forward to following you via your Facebook page from now on!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! Yes, it always amazes me what God can help us get through!

  2. Absolutely, Hannah! We do not know our capabilities until they are challenged. We find our strength in those moments before we've actually acknowledged what we're facing. Thank you so much for sharing your strength with #UpsyDaisyLinkup!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and hosting the linkup!

  3. We probably don't know how great our inner strength is until we are actually faced with a situation or challenge. Thank you for sharing your story of love for your child and inspiring others. #UpsyDaisyLinkup

  4. I remember when my daughter was born with her disability (spina bifida) and I use to say to myself, there is NO WAY I can learn all I need to to care for her. But something amazing happened, I learned. I carefully listened to every doctor, read every book on children with special needs and slowly I gained the confidence to help her in every way possible. Eventually she had to learn to care for herself and we both taught one another. It can be done!

    1. Yes, it can! It's amazing what we're capable of when we need to be!

  5. We never know how strong we are until we are faced with a situation, and just manage to handle it all. We can rise to the challenge when needed, that's what makes us awesome :)

  6. So true I became a foster parent and before couldn't imagine going through it. I am stronger for going through it. Thank you

  7. so in awe of you! blessings on every aspect of your day!


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