

Saturday, May 7, 2016

A Reminder on Mother's Day

This post is dedicated to my mother who has always encouraged me to write.

Mother's Day is a time when we celebrate motherhood.  It's a time to get a little sappy and teary-eyed as your children bring you burnt toast in bed or proudly hand you crayon drawings with "I Love Mommy" scribbled across the top in oversized letters.

This time of year is special for me, both because I am a mom and also because it reminds me of how blessed I am to have my mom.

A Mother's Day Reminder
My mom with newborn Anna

But for some, this time of year hurts.  For those who have lost a child or their own mom, Mother's Day reminds them of those losses.   There are also those who desperately want to become a mother, but struggle with fertility issues.

A Mother's Day Reminder
My mom with baby Nano

For me, Mother's Day is bittersweet.  All of my children are alive and well, as is my mom.  However, my mom lost her mother to cancer when she was only 14 years old.  I also have other friends and family who are missing someone on Mother's Day, and I've seen how hard it hits them each May.

A Mother's Day Reminder
My grandma, mom, and the two oldest grandbabies, Katie and Max

I'm not trying to be a downer and ruin your Mother's Day, but I do want us all to be aware of how this day affects others.  If you know someone who's grieving on Mother's Day, give them a hug and let them know they aren't alone.  Wish the mother who lost her child a happy Mother's Day and specifically mention their child.

To all of my readers, I wish for you a Mother's day filled with joy, good memories, sappy cards, and scribbled pictures.


This post is linked up at: 1. Comfort in the Midst of Chaos 2. The SITS Girls 3. Create With Joy 4. Missional Women 5. Coffee Shop Conversations 6. Susan B Mead 7. Mom's Small Victories 

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