

Monday, May 16, 2016

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

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I've made some observations over the last eight years of motherhood about toddlers.  The most interesting observation?  Having a toddler in the house is like having a puppy.  Really.  Think about it...

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

1. They're both adorable and steal your heart. 

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

2. They whine when they want attention.  This is also true of some adults.

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

3. They beg for treats.  And they throw you those big puppy dog eyes that make it really hard to say no.
    Speaking of treats, my kids love these veggie straws, and they dissolve so     they're great for toddlers!

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

 4. They chew on things.  I have seen all of my toddlers contentedly chewing on shoes.  And anything else that fits in their mouths.

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

5. They are always begging to go outside.  When Katie was a toddler, she once asked to go outside specifically to pee in the yard.  I said no.

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

6. They run away from you every chance they get.  And they're fast. 

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

7. They play fetch.  Or maybe it's just my toddlers that do this.  One of my kids' favorite things to do when they were toddlers was to give me a ball to throw so they could retrieve it and bring it back for me to throw again.

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

8. They're always underfoot.  And they cry when you step on them.

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

9.They have a tendency to bite.  It took me forever to get Katie to stop biting when she was a toddler.

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

10. They need to be housebroken/potty trained.  Either way, you're going to be cleaning up a lot of accidents on the floor.
    These potty training pads are great for both puppies and toddlers :)

10 Ways Toddlers are Like Puppies

Have you noticed your toddler or child acting like a puppy?

Tweet: How are toddlers like puppies? @SunshineNSpoons

This post is linked up at: 1. The Modest Mom Blog 2. The Beauty in His Grip  3. What Joy is Mine 4. Donna Reidland 5. Our Home of Many Blessings  6. Marilyn's Treats  7. Smart Mom Smart Ideas  8. The Joy Chaser  9. DebCB  10. Cornerstone Confessions 11. Rich Faith Rising 12. Sweet Little Ones 13. Live Randomly Simply  14. Jenerally Informed 15. A Wise Woman Builds Her Home   16. Classical Homemaking 17. The Life of Jennifer Dawn 18. Marilyn's Treats   19. You're So Trendy  20. Raising Samuels  21. Holly McBerty   22. Grammie Time 2 23. Cord of 6  24. You Are a Daisy 25. Coffee Shop Conversations 26. Create With Joy 27. Susan B Mead 28. Raising Samuels


  1. This is hilarious and so very true! Number 8 made me laugh out loud!

    1. I'm glad I could make you laugh :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Haha yes! I think mine would change to this though:
    they both eat turkey feet and dog bones that lie around the living room and the dog's bed
    they both drink out of the dog's water bowl
    they both eat the dry dog food
    they both hide things under the dog's blanket
    they both walk around on all fours with dog toys in their mouth

    When I write it out, I think I could just be a bad mum hahah! But she's so quick and the dog is such a pain in the bum, and hides things everywhere!

    1. We don't have a dog, but I'd imagine my kids would do the same things if we did!

  3. Oh yes you have captured it perfectly. Each Wednesday I mind my grandson and his dog and yes they get up to the same antics! Thanks for sharing with us at Over the Moon.

  4. Hi Hannah, love the photos! Especially of your little boy playing with what looks like dress making pins and the other one of your daughters horrified expression after, I'm guessing, having been stood on.

    It's been a long time since either of mine were toddlers, but I often say having four dogs in the house is like having four toddlers as they are underfoot, disappear when you want them and will do almost anything for a treat.


    1. Thank you for your kind comments :) I have pictures of both of my boys playing with my sewing pins (supervised of course!), for some reason, they think they're a lot of fun!

  5. This is such a fun post and so true! Love your photos!

    Doused In Pink

  6. What cuties!!! Thanks for sharing at Mondays @ Soul Survival!


  7. Haha I'd never thought of it this way but so true! Thanks for sharing at #sharethejoy and making me chuckle this morning. (Michelle from The Joy Chaser and The Essex Barn)

  8. I'm rolling over here! I especially love that your daughter specifically asked to go out to relieve herself. That is going to have me cracking up all day! Thank you for sharing, Hannah! You are too funny!

    1. I'm glad I could make you laugh :) Kids can be pretty entertaining!

  9. lol! I have thought this exact thought when my 3 year old was younger!

  10. I always say the opposite - having a puppy is like raising children. You have to be consistent, firm and loving. Especially when potty training. Adorable photos!

  11. So true! Our family started first with a puppy and then the next year baby. I have to say the puppy training actually helped prep me for parenthood :) Your babies are so cute! That story about your daughter wanting to pee outside is hilarious! Toddlers, you just can't make this stuff up! Thanks for linking up at the #happynowlinkup. This was indeed a VERY happy post! I hope you join us next week too!

    1. Thank you for stopping by! I plan to visit the linkup again!

  12. This is hilarious! Yes, toddlers and puppies have a lot in common. Although, my toddler doesn't like playing fetch as much as she likes for me to play fetch. She wants to throw the toy and have me go get it and bring it back!

  13. This is such a cute post and love all of the photos! You have adorable kids #MomtoMomsMonday

    Nicole | The Professional Mom Project

    1. Thanks so much!! I'm glad you stopped by and thank you for the Facebook share!


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