

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Little More About Me

For those of you who are new here and didn't follow me at Supermommy!...Or Not, I thought I'd do a little more in-depth intro.

As you probably already know, I have four littles of my own.  I also babysit for my sister, who has four kids right around the same ages as my own, and for some friends from church, who also guessed it...four kids who are in the same age range as mine.  I only babysit for each of them 1-3 times a week, but every once in a while, the days overlap, and I end up with 12 kids after the big ones get home from school.

In addition to babysitting, I work as a freelance reporter for the local newspaper which I LOVE.  I write 6-8 articles a month.

I also sub occasionally at the local library (where my mom just happens to work as the most awesome library director ever!)  She doesn't know it, but I'm angling for her job when she retires *insert evil laugh here.*

Because those three jobs just don't keep me busy enough, I also own my own online children's boutique, for which I make all of the products myself.  I specialize in designs for little ones with special needs which is obviously something that is close to my heart.  I opened Annalie's Baby Boutique in August, 2010 and have loved being able to be creative while still staying home with my children.

I'd love to get to know you better too!  Say hi in the comments and if you have a blog, leave a link to it so I can check it out.

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